I have a PhD in speech recognition, more than 20 years of experience in the research and development of machine learning for perceptual artificial intelligence and a significant number of publications in the domain, including 18 patents (more detail in my CV). Although my expertise has primarily applied to R&D in computer hearing, which includes automatic speech and speaker recognition, speech synthesis, music recognition and generic environmental sound recognition, the processes involved in machine learning are similar for many other application domains such as data mining, computer vision, drug discovery or fintech.

Starting to develop sound recognition products at Audio Analytic back in 2012 was a significantly pioneering endeavour: sound events recognition was in its infancy, it was standing 50 years behind speech and music recognition, and there was literally only a handful of academic publications on the topic. A few years later, the technology researched and developed by my team and I is miles ahead of the performance published in academic papers, and none of our industrial competitors have been able to catch up. Please read about Audio Analytic’s sound recognition products here.

For a summary of my career in machine learning, please read my CV or connect with me on LinkedIn.

The kind of books I read (and write) about machine learning include:

If you have any questions about building a product or a digital transformation strategy based on machine learning, please feel free to contact me.